Upcomming events

10th April 2017

SAA 2017 – Vancouver

Image result for saa vancouver


Je Landscapes was represented at the 2017 Society for American Archaeology conference in Vancouver.

Mark Robinson discussed the role of plants in southern proto-Je ritual, combining anthracology, with archaeology, ecology, and ethnography to identify and explore issues of plant selection and management.

In a session on Mortuary Practices and Funerary Archaeology, Priscilla Ulguim, reported on cremated remains in a paper titled: Fire and death: cremation as a ritualised funerary practice in the southern Brazilian Highlands.

The papers were well received and sparked long discussions after the session. We thank the organisers of the conference and the particular sessions for making the conference a great success.

13th October 2016

Past Food: Jê flavors

“Past food” is a public outreach program integrating archaeology, gastronomy, ethnography and ethnology led by Museu Arqueológico de Sambaqui de Joinville. This edition will taste the “Jê flavors”.


16th September 2016

Upcoming conference

Enclosing Worlds


Je Landscapes in Portugal.

Jose Iriarte, Mark Robinson, and Jonas Gregorio De Souza will be presenting research from southern Brazil at the Enclosing Worlds conference in Reguengos de Monsaraz, Portugal, in October.

The meeting provides an opportunity to share case studies of enclosures from across the globe to discuss the social implications and social roles of these architectural features and the organisation of space.


For more information visit: http://enclosingworlds.blogspot.co.uk/

29th June 2016

V Congresso Latino-Americano de Arqueometria (CLA 2016)

The University of São Paulo will be held the V Congresso Latino-Americano de Arqueometria (CLA 2016) next November.

Click here for more details.



26th May 2016

Talking Anthropology, Climate and Weather Conference


Four fantastic talks from our team members in the UK will be given at this weekend’s Conference “Anthropology, Climate and Weather Conference” at the British Museum at our session:

P31. Indigenous populations-vegetation-climate relationship in the past: what can this teach us about sustainable vegetation use in the present?

The talks will include palaeoecological and archaeological findings and the meaning for human and climate:

  • Francis Mayle, Ruth Dickau, Bronwen Whitney, Jose Iriarte. Pre-Columbian raised-field agriculture in Amazonian Bolivia — What lessons for sustainable land use today?
  • Macarena Cárdenas, Francis Mayle, Jose Iriarte, Lauri Schorn. Dynamics of the Brazilian Araucaria forest and its responses to human land use and climate change, a long term perspective
  • Jonas Gregorio de Souza, Jose Iriarte, Richard Jones, Francis Mayle. Out of Amazonia: Late Holocene Climate Change and the Tupi-Guarani Trans-Continental Expansion
  • Jonas Gregorio de Souza, Mark Robinson. The making of the forest: past human impact on species distribution in the southern Brazilian highlands

If you are around, come to see us!

Click here for more details

By Macarena

7th May 2016

Jê Landscapes of Southern Brazil in the 10th SAB-Sul Meeting –

The 10th meeting of the SAB-Sul (Southern regional center of Brazilian Society of Archaeology) will be held in the city of Pelotas – Rio Grande do Sul, at UFPEL (Federal University of Pelotas) between 18th and 21st October 2016.

One of the symposiums of the Meeting is organized by researchers of the JLSB project with colleagues from Argentina and Uruguay.

Take a look in the abstract  below (in Portuguese) of the symposium number 7: Built landscapes and spheres of interaction: processes, experiences and case studies along the medium and late Holocene.

The subscription dealine is on May 10.

For more informations of the Meeting click here.


Simpósio 7

Título: Paisagens construídas e esferas de interação: processos, experiências e estudos de caso durante o Holoceno médio e tardio.

Coordenadores: Rafael Corteletti, Camila Gianotti, Mariano Bonomo

Durante o Holoceno médio e tardio, em diversas zonas do leste da bacia do Rio de La Plata, em especial no sul do Brasil, Uruguai e Nordeste da Argentina, se instalaram distintas populações indígenas que ativaram uma transformação progressiva do meio ambiente a partir do manejo florestal e da construção de arquiteturas com terra, pedras e inclusive valvas que delimitaram espaços sociais e deram lugar a processos de afirmação territorial e conformação de comunidades de média e grande escala. O renovado trabalho arqueológico realizado nessas regiões combinado com novos avanços conceituais e metodológicos nos permitem discutir com maior profundidade questões relacionadas a existência ou não de diferenças sociais no interior das comunidades, a escala e a natureza do impacto humano sobre essas paisagens e o papel das redes de interação regionais de uma forma que não era possível antes. Cada uma destas experiências constituem trajetórias adaptativas e históricas que resultaram em níveis de complexidade sociais variáveis e flutuantes durante o Holoceno médio e tardio. Sambaquis, casas subterrâneas, montículos, complexos de recintos e montículos, campos elevados, aterros, canais,cairnes, chenques, entre outras, foram diferentes soluções arquitetônicas e experiências de manejo do meio que configuraram paisagens construídas que hoje são visíveis e sobrevivem depois de séculos de erosão e alterações modernas.

Neste simpósio nos interessa conhecer a variabilidade da materialidade arqueológica, e suas implicâncias em termos sociais, econômicos, políticos e simbólicos, enquanto práticas e meios materiais e imateriais de regulação da interação social, das tecnologias de produção e de conformação de comunidades originadas em temporalidades e espacialidades diversas. Assim sendo o debate fornecerá uma visão geral dos recentes desenvolvimentos na arqueologia da região platina para o Holoceno médio e tardio, seguida por uma discussão de como esses novos estudos de caso em escala local estão desafiando as propostas em escala suprarregional e mudando nossos pontos de vista sobre as esferas de interação relacionadas a complexidade social, a construção de paisagens, aos padrões da comunidade, a arquitetura cerimonial / funerária, a economia de subsistência e as mudanças naturais e as induzidas pela sociedade humana na paisagem durante o Holoceno médio e tardio.

10th SAB-Sul Meeting – Pelotas, Brazil

The 10th meeting of the SAB-Sul (Southern regional center of Brazilian Society of Archaeology) will be held in the city of Pelotas – Rio Grande do Sul, at UFPEL (Federal University of Pelotas) between 18th and 21st October 2016.

The goal of the scientific meetings of SAB-Sul is to bring together researchers, students, professionals and general people interested in the archaeology field.

The 10th SAB-Sul Meeting will be a place to disseminate research results, communication of work in progress, and proposed theoretical and methodological discussions.

Looking for integration of researchers and the composition of wider scientific work networks, this year, besides the traditional meeting of the SAB-Sul, the event will be held in conjunction with the “III Jornadas de Atualização em Arqueologia Tupi-Guarani” (3rd Update Seminar in Tupi-Guarani Archaeology), seeking to gather researchers from all Mercosur.

For more informations about the meeting click here.

6th May 2016

Jê Landscapes of Southern Brazil pannel in the 14th Semana de Museus at Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia – USP


In May 18th will be place a pannel about the Jê Landscapes of Southern Brazil project in the 14th Semana de Museus at Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, USP, São Paulo.

24th July 2015

Anthropology, Weather & Climate Change Conference

27-29 May 2016

Organized by Royal Anthropological Institute

Were will be holding the panel (P31): Indigenous populations-vegetation-climate relationship in the past: what can this teach us about sustainable vegetation use in the present?

If you are interested in participating please read more for info

More info…

30th November 2014


International Union for Quaternary Research – INQUA
More info…

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