10th SAB-Sul Meeting – Pelotas, Brazil
The 10th meeting of the SAB-Sul (Southern regional center of Brazilian Society of Archaeology) will be held in the city of Pelotas – Rio Grande do Sul, at UFPEL (Federal University of Pelotas) between 18th and 21st October 2016.
The goal of the scientific meetings of SAB-Sul is to bring together researchers, students, professionals and general people interested in the archaeology field.
The 10th SAB-Sul Meeting will be a place to disseminate research results, communication of work in progress, and proposed theoretical and methodological discussions.
Looking for integration of researchers and the composition of wider scientific work networks, this year, besides the traditional meeting of the SAB-Sul, the event will be held in conjunction with the “III Jornadas de Atualização em Arqueologia Tupi-Guarani” (3rd Update Seminar in Tupi-Guarani Archaeology), seeking to gather researchers from all Mercosur.
For more informations about the meeting click here.