Sedentary farmers
Our project is the focus of an article published in this month’s Pesquisa FAPESP, the official magazine of the São Paulo Research Foundation. The article explores the changing image of the Southern Proto-Jê groups thanks to new data gathered by our team. Our archaeobotanical analyses, excavations at a variety of sites and intensive radiocarbon dating are helping to change the idea that the Southern Proto-Jê were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Instead, we are demonstrating long, stable occupations at permanent domestic sites, coupled with a mixed economy relying on several cultigens. Furthermore, the article emphasises the interdisciplinary aspect of our project and how new pollen data will help to uncover the relationship between humans and the expansion of the Araucaria forests in the past. Read it here!
Jê Landscapes in the news
Research by the Jê Landscapes team has figured prominently in the news. One of the most important newspapers from Brazil, Folha de São Paulo, has published an excellent summary for the general audience about our ideas on the relationship between the southern Jê and Tupi-Guarani societies, the creation of boundaries and the emergence of monuments. Entitled Game of Tribes, the text is worth reading. Check it out here.
Another major newspaper, Jornal da USP (the official media of the University of São Paulo), has published an overview of our project, emphasising the broad geographic scale of our research and its academic impact on the formation of students. The focus of the report was on our latest publication about the radiocarbon and stratigraphic evidence for long-term occupation of pit houses, but previous research on the archaeobotanical evidence for adoption of cultivated plants has also been acknowledged.
Apart from the Brazilian coverage, our latest discoveries have also called the attention of international media, including the Archaeology Magazine.
We are happy for the impact that our research is achieving with the academic and non-academic public and hope to keep transmitting our enthusiasm for the archaeology of the southern Brazilian highlands!
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