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Iriarte, J., J. C. Gillam and O. Marozzi. 2008. ‘Monumental burials and memorial feasting: an example from the southern Brazilian highlands’. Antiquity 82:947-961. [Abstract]
Iriarte, J. and H. Behling. 2007. ‘The expansion of Araucaria forest in the southern Brazilian highlands during the last 4000 years and its implications for the development of the Taquara/Itararé tradition’.Environmental Archaeology 12:115-127.
MaDu, G., DeBlasis, P., Fish, S. K. and Fish, P. 2008 . ‘Sambaqui (Shell Mound) Societies of Coastal Brazil’ in H. Silverman and W. H. Isbell (eds.) Handbook of South American Archaeology. Springer: New York, pp. 319-335.
Fish, P. R., Fish, S. K., DeBlasis, P. and Gaspar, M. D. 2013 ‘Monumental Shell Mounds as Persistent Places in Southern Coastal Brazil’ in V. D. Thompson and J. C. Waggoner Jr. (eds.) The Archaeology and Historical Ecology of Small Scale Economies. Gainesville: Univ. Press of Florida, pp. 120-140.
Colonese, A., Collins, M., Lucquin, M., Eustace, M., Saul, H., Hancock, Y., Ponzoni, R. A. R., Coulthard, D., DeBlasis, P., Figuti, L., Wesolowski, V., Plens, C., Eggers, S., Farias, D., Gledhill, A. and Craig, O., 2014. ‘Dietary variability among South American moundbuilders: isotopic and molecular perspectives from Brazilian sambaquis’. PlosOne 9(4):1-13.