Talking Anthropology, Climate and Weather Conference
Four fantastic talks from our team members in the UK will be given at this weekend’s Conference “Anthropology, Climate and Weather Conference” at the British Museum at our session:
The talks will include palaeoecological and archaeological findings and the meaning for human and climate:
- Francis Mayle, Ruth Dickau, Bronwen Whitney, Jose Iriarte. Pre-Columbian raised-field agriculture in Amazonian Bolivia — What lessons for sustainable land use today?
- Macarena Cárdenas, Francis Mayle, Jose Iriarte, Lauri Schorn. Dynamics of the Brazilian Araucaria forest and its responses to human land use and climate change, a long term perspective
- Jonas Gregorio de Souza, Jose Iriarte, Richard Jones, Francis Mayle. Out of Amazonia: Late Holocene Climate Change and the Tupi-Guarani Trans-Continental Expansion
- Jonas Gregorio de Souza, Mark Robinson. The making of the forest: past human impact on species distribution in the southern Brazilian highlands
If you are around, come to see us!
Click here for more details
By Macarena